This project springs from the necessity of improving the coexistence atmosphere and of getting students and teachers acquire a number of abilities and competences that allow us build up an atmosphere of tolerance and respect in our schools for everyone and the things around us. This way, students, no matter what their social-economic background, cultural level, physical characteristics or intellectual capabilities may be, could feel integrated and find an answer to all their needs at school.
Direct participants: Teachers and students that directly participate in the development of activities, families and municipal educational technicians that collaborate in some activities of the project.
Indirect participants: The rest of the educational community that, along these two years, and in the future will get advantage all the results of the project.
Description of activities:
Our project goal is to get to know the different programmes, implemented in the four participant schools, which have been created to build up a better climate in our schools, to manage to have both a more inclusive school and one that guarantees our students’ success.
Along these two years, we will carry out activities based basically on the following topics:
Reflection on the different discipline patterns of the four schools with a focus on the practice that can be considered assertive discipline.
- The importance of respect towards the things around us (classrooms, school premises, etc.) to guarantee a better coexistence climate.
- School bullying: prevention, detection and techniques of conflict solving (KIVA programme).
- School programmes that promote inclusive patterns.
- Mediation programmes (conflict solving).
- Programmes of learning among peers (Pygmalion Programme)
Basically, our project will use PLB (Project based methodology) combined with the use of ITCs and we will reinforce cooperative work techniques from a multidisciplinary view.
This methodology will let us offer all the participants in the project a vital experience of significant learning, a memorable experience and an enriching experience of ‘personal development’.
Description of the expected results and impact
The work developed along these two years will necessarily produce an important impact in the participant schools in the following aspects:
- Improvement in school coexistence atmosphere.
- Reduction of school dropout. Thanks to the implementation of different measures and programmes we will get a higher percentage of students who succeed in their studies.
- High degree of transference of the results to other schools or educational institutions.
- Citizens better prepared to live in the local community together.